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We are living in very troubled times, all of us are troubled by the things going on around
us. This Psalm reminds us that these burdens are not ours to carry, but really our lot is
to walk obediently with God and trust Him to do the heavy lifting in our lives.
Relinquishing our grasp on these burdens does not mean we stop thinking about them,
we prayerfully bring them to God, listen for His guidance and bless His name for bearing
worries on our behalf. (Psalm 55:16-22)


Faith is assurance.
Our faith in God is like spiritual glasses through which we view the world around us. Our
physical eyesight may not detect His almighty hand working in the events and situations
of life, but faith looks beyond the externals to the truth and promises of scripture.
Our foundation of assurance is built upon God’s word, not what our government may or
may not be doing. We have no cause for worry or uncertainty because the Lord of the
universe is sovereign over every event under heaven and that includes the details of our
lives. (Hebrews 11:1-6) 

Trust God in troubling times.
When we watch the news these days we hear nothing but doom and gloom. Although
people around us may be fearful and stressed, there is no reason a child of God should
feel this way. As most of you know I had leukaemia a few years ago, this left my
immune system compromised. When the Covid thing happened Jeanne asked me if I
was worried about it. I was able to answer her honestly that I wasn’t worried. God
brought me through my cancer so why should I worry about the present situation.
While the passage we just read describes a variety of disasters, the writer’s intention
was certainly not to cause fear. Rather, these words are a reminder of our Father’s
supremacy over everything that happens. Whatever trouble comes our way He is
sufficient to help us through it. (Psalm 46) 

The key to courageously facing the future is confidence in the Lord. He’s your shelter,
strength and help in troubled times.


By Ray Montgomery


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