The Session for 2024 has concluded, and we look forward to you joining us next year!

Watch for updates and announcements as to the next opportunity to join this amazing group of leaders and learn to strengthen our marriages together.


Hey, couples! Are you ready to deepen the connection and understanding in your marriage? We're thrilled to invite you to our upcoming Marriage Study Group, and this time, we're diving into the transformative insights of "Love and Respect" by Emmerson Eggerichs.

What's it about? "Love and Respect" unravels the mysteries of marital dynamics, offering a powerful blueprint for building a love-filled, respectful relationship. Emmerson Eggerichs guides us through the essential principles that can revolutionize the way we relate to our spouses.

 Why join?
  • Transformative Insights: Discover the keys to unravelling the often misunderstood needs of your partner.
  • Supportive Community: Connect with other couples on the same journey, sharing experiences and gaining fresh perspectives.
  • Practical Application: Learn how to practically apply the principles of love and respect in your everyday interactions.

 When? Our sessions kick off on January 7, 2024, and we'll meet on Sunday evenings for 10-12 weeks. Each session promises engaging discussions, practical takeaways, and a chance to strengthen the foundation of your marriage.

 Where? Upstairs at the church.

 Who can join? Couples of all ages and stages are welcome! Whether you're newlyweds or celebrating decades together, there's always room for growth. (We also welcome those who aren't married! Everyone can learn something from these sessions.)

 Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to invest in your marriage! Ready to embark on this journey together? Comment below or send us a message to secure your spot. Let's make your marriage the best it can be!

For more information or to express interest, please contact:

Paul or Angela Briggs

Ryan or Mandi Pendrak


email the church office: